quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2015

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

When it comes to exotic fruits, dragon fruit definitely tops the list of those with health benefits. Also known as pitaya, this exotic fruit is very beautiful with pure white, yellow or red flesh and numerous edible, small black seeds.
It is a superfood due to its high antioxidant content. Its high vitamin C content along with fatty acids and phosphorus make this fruit very healthy in nature.
Other nutrients in it are plant sterols, soluble fiber, calcium, iron, carotene, protein and several B vitamins like B1, B2 and B3. It also contains about 80 percent water, making it a great hydrating food.
Plus, its anti-inflammatory, antitumor, enzyme-inhibiting, antithrombogenic, antibacterial and antiviral properties make it a great addition to your diet.
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The taste of this exotic fruit can be either sweet or sour, depending on the variety. You can enjoy it as a healthy snack or add it to your salad and juice recipes. The pulp is also used to make jams, purees, sherbets, fruit pizza and beverages.
Also, its leaves can be steeped to make a very healthy tea. Dragon fruit is even safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to consume.
benefits of dragon fruit
Here are the top 10 amazing health benefits of dragon fruit.

1. Aids Digestion

Dragon fruit also supports digestion, mainly due to its fiber content. The soluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and regulates bowel movements. This helps prevent gastrointestinal problems like constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
In addition, it promotes the growth of probiotics, which aids in digestion as well as detoxification.
A 2014 study published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences found red and white dragon fruit to be a good source of prebiotic oligosaccharides. Its vitamin B1 content is also good for your digestive system.
The fruit is also easy to digest. You can eat the fruit or drink a glass of dragon fruit juice to aid digestion.

2. Supports Cardiovascular Health

Dragon fruit aids in maintaining healthy tissues within and around your heart, which is essential for cardiovascular health.
The monounsaturated fats in it help keep your heart in good condition by reducing your level of low-density lipoproteins (LDL or the ‘bad’ cholesterol), while increasing your level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL or the ‘good’ cholesterol). The vitamin B3 in it also lowers bad cholesterol.
In addition, it helps reduce high levels of oxidative stress, one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease.
By including dragon fruit in your diet, you can surely reduce the likelihood of suffering from atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

3. Manages Blood Sugar Levels

The fiber content in this exotic fruit plays a key role in stabilizing blood sugar levels. In fact, it prevents sugar spikes in diabetic people that generally occur after eating high glycemic index foods. This helps prevent health complications commonly associated with diabetes.
It reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems among people suffering from Type 2 diabetes.
A 2010 study published in the Pharmacognosy Research journal showed that dragon fruit extract was effective in controlling oxidative damage and decreasing aortic stiffness in diabetic rats.
Diabetic people can benefit from including dragon fruit in their diets. However, still follow the rule of moderation.

4. Supports Weight Loss

If you are worried about weight management, dragon fruit can help you. Being low in calories and high in fiber, it helps keep you feeling full longer so you’ll eat less throughout the day. Indulging in mindless eating is a key factor in weight gain.
The combination of high fiber and low calories also boost your metabolism rate, which helps you lose weight faster. In addition, the vitamin C helps burn fat.
By eating this exotic fruit as a healthy mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, you will feel satiated for longer periods of time and help your body burn fat.

5. Boosts Immunity

Being a rich source of vitamin C, dragon fruit can boost the body’s immune system. The antioxidant vitamin C helps the white blood cells function properly and protects your body from infectious agents. This in turn reduces episodes of the common cold and other infections.
In addition, the B vitamins, calcium, phosphorous, iron, protein, niacin and fiber in the fruit contribute to healthy immunity.
The high water content of dragon fruit also helps flush out harmful toxins from the body, which may otherwise lead to many health issues.

6. Prevents Cancer

Dragon fruit is loaded with beneficial antioxidants that help prevent cancer-causing free radicals. It also has carotene with anticarcinogenic qualities that prevent the development of tumors.
In addition, the lycopene that gives this fruit its characteristic red color helps lower prostate cancer risk.
A 2011 study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention found that a low fat diet, high intake of fruits, vegetables and lycopene-rich foods, and adequate physical activity can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
When consumed on a regular basis, dragon fruit can even improve the quality of life of people suffering from cancer. It can help reduce symptoms like fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pain and loss of appetite.

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